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Neighborhood 0018.065-WAVERLY CITY /WAVERLY CSD Gordon Ave to Salisbury Road Res |
Map Number |
180163000000 | 510 - Single family dwelling - Platted lot | 17,400 | 91,490 | 108,890 | 6,090 | 32,020 | 38,110 |
| | | |
Pie Chart Summary Level
* Value may be allocated to
more than one parcel. Examples: (1) The value basis for Homestead Credit
may be shared between a mobile home parcel and its situs land parcel.
(2) Property under one or more Tax Incentive Programs (e.g. TIF
district, Enterprise Zone, etc.) may have a base parcel with pre-program
values and one or more parcels with values subject to the terms of the
program agreements.
** Taxable Value is 35% of Market Value for most taxpayers. The rate is
40% for mobile homes purchased prior to 2000 whose Market Value is based
on a depreciation schedule. Taxable Value for Public Utility (PU)
parcels is set by the State. The State does not report PU Market Value
to the County, so PU Market Value is set equal to Taxable Value. |